The holiday season is one of the much-awaited periods of the year. This is the time that we can gather, set aside our work schedules to be with our families, have a vacation, rest, and celebrate the spirit of holidays. However, in other cases, instead of having to enjoy your free time, you then get stressed from all the preparations, attending different family events, and for the whole holiday. Believe me, you would not want to spend your whole holidays this way! Now that we are celebrating Thanksgiving and also the upcoming Christmas and New Year season, here are some tips on how you can survive these holidays stress-free!

  • Schedule ahead of time and make a journal

With all your holiday activities, planning ahead of time can help you manage and prioritize the right things. Given the increased traffic and long lines in malls, having a set schedule will make it easier for you to adjust and not stress about not being able to do things. 

Set your calendar and plan what you are going to do on specific days or weeks. Then, make a list of activities or your schedule for the whole day, considering other factors that you may encounter (traffic, long lines, late appointments, etc.). Prioritize what you should do first and what you’ll most likely forget. Planning well for your activities will help you do the most you can.

It is also important to keep a journal with you so you can monitor your emotions, what’s causing you stress, and what you should avoid. Aside from being organized, you can also reduce your stress by monitoring your state of mind throughout the day.

  • Make time for exercise and yoga

In order to reduce your stress from all that is going on, set time to have a physical activity or do your exercise even just for a quick 20 to 30 minutes. Having an exercise releases powerful endorphins in the brain which will then uplift your mood and reduce your anxiety. Staying healthy and keeping yourself active will not only help you reduce holiday stress, but also keep you going in the future.

  • Be in the present

You have waited a long period of time just to be at this moment. Set aside all your regrets from the past and worries about the future. Think of the things you can do now and focus on how you can enjoy most of them. Bond with your family and connect with the people around you. Keeping your mind stress-free and at ease is the best way to spend your holidays. 

  • Learn to say “No”

You might get tons of invites from everyone and everywhere. Saying yes to everyone can leave you feeling overwhelmed and resentful for not saying “no”. Don’t put up so much stress on yourself and accept that you cannot be with everyone. Friends, families, or colleagues will surely understand that you also have a lot on your plate and you can’t participate with them all of the time. If it will be impossible to say no, set aside one least important thing from your agenda to make some time. Save yourself from back-to-back stress and choose to say “yes” for your own peace of mind.

  • Set time for yourself

Take a breather. Before coming back from your holiday, make sure that you spent enough time for yourself. Set a day with only doing things for yourself, things you love to do, activities that will help you reduce stress, and refresh yourself. Taking things slow and restoring your inner calm is important for you to come back at your best. Some of the activities you can do are: walking outside, listening to good music, reading a book, meditating, and doing self-care activities. 

Doing a mediation or having a devotional prayer and spending time with nature will help you relieve your holiday stress and keep your peace of mind.

  • Try using herbs and essential oils

If you suddenly feel anxiety symptoms, using several adaptogenic herbs and essential oils are useful in helping your body reduce the effects of stress and cortisol in the body. Examples of adaptogens are ginseng, ashwagandha, maca, Rhodiola, holy basil, and cocoa. These are healing plants that help your body in the regulation of hormones and physiological functions making it easier for you to handle stress. 

  • Don’t completely abandon your healthy habits

We always want to look our best during holidays, however, we cannot always resist all the temptations from the different delicious foods and desserts we or our families prepared. At the same time, we also see ourselves taking a break from our regular exercise routines. Being smart with the food you eat and keeping things in moderation during the holidays is important to avoid regrets and guilt. You can indulge in foods you only have once a year, but don’t forget to control yourself and keep things healthy. As much as possible, supply yourself with a nutrient-dense diet. With a consistent supply of essential nutrients and antioxidants, your body will be able to handle the stress better. 

  • Focus on being thankful and having gratitude

In the spirit of thanksgiving, think of the things you are thankful for. Remove the negative thoughts in your mind and focus on being good. Thank the people around you and be thankful for what you have now. Keeping good energy is also helpful for your immune system and mental health.

I hope you get to apply all of these tips and survive your holidays at ease and at your best! Take notes and make sure you also do these in the coming Christmas and New Year season. Remember, these holidays should make you feel happy, thankful, and wonderful. Don’t let stress, guilt, and anxiety take over. I hope you enjoy your time and have an unforgettable holiday. 

Happy Thanksgiving!